As a kid "The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room" was one of my favorite books. My mom would buy my brother and I a new Berenstain Bears book almost every week with the groceries. We always looked forward to reading the new book. One week Mama and Papa bear were even at the grocery store and I got to meet them. Being in first grade I thought this was the best thing ever! We got to say hi to them and have our picture taken. We still have the picture of my brother and I with mama and papa bear inside the grocery store.
I always looked forward to bedtime as a kid and the best thing about bedtime was reading new stories. I would have my parents read the new Berenstain Bears book every night until we got a new one. We would take turns reading bedtime stories in my room and my brother's room. I always liked it best when they were in my room because I got to get all cozy in my blankets first. I also would get to pick where on the bed I wanted to sit, therefore I could always see the pictures.
"The Berenstain Bears and the Messy Room" was my favorite one because I always had a messy room. My parents were always after me to pick up my cloths and toys from my floor. I also thought that brother and sister had cool toys like the airplane and the puzzles. My brother and I would pick out toys from the story that we had or that we wanted to play with. I thought that it was cool that other "kids" had messy rooms too. I thought that my toys should just stay everywhere like Brother and Sister. I did not like having to put them away in certain places.
The kids I babysit for now have a few Berentstain Bear books and those are the books I always want to read them. I still enjoy reading them and it is neat to know that kids today are still interested in some of the same stories that I grew up having read to me.
I loved the Berenstain Bear books. I pretty much own the whole collection of them. This books stands out particulary to me too because my room was always such a mess growing up. My mom bought the book for me and wrote me a little note in it. I still have it today. I feel that Brother and Sister are really good characters in this book and children can relate a lot to them. :)