Disney's movie version of The Little Mermaid is quite different. The movie begins will the Little Mermaid, who is named Ariel, missing a concert she is supposed to be singing in because she is swimming up to the surface. Unlike the original story, the Little Mermaid swims to the surface often, she does not have to wait until she is 15 although her father forbids her to swim to the top for it is dangerous. Ariel also does not have a grandmother that lives with them in the movie version. The Disney movie version also has two main characters that are not present in the story which are Flounder (the fish) and Sebastian (the crab). The Disney movie focuses on Ariel and says little about her older sisters unlike in the book. Ariel comes to see the prince in the same way in the book and the movie. However, she comes by legs in a slightly different way in the movie. In the movie she does not get her tongue cut off by the evil sea witch (who is named Ursula in the movie). The sea witch simple captures Ariel's voice and uses it as her own. The sea witch gives Ariel three days to get the prince to kiss her until her legs (which are not painful) turn back into a fin and she is Ursula's slave forever. On the third day the prince is about to kiss Ariel when two eels (who belong to Ursula) tip over the boat that Ariel and the prince are in. In the movie the prince does not go to meet a princess but is tricked by Ursula (with Ariel's voice) into thinking that she is the one who saved him from the ship wreck. They are to be married on the third day and it looks like Ariel will be Ursual's slave. Right before they say the wedding vows Ariel's sea and bird friends interrupt the wedding and knock the necklace off of the sea witch's neck which contain Ariel's voice. The voice goes back to Ariel and the prince realizes the trick that has been played. Ursula takes Ariel and goes back into the sea since the sun has already set on the third day. However, Ariel's father and the prince fight off the sea witch and Ariel is given permanent legs and Ariel and the prince get married and live happily ever after.
The Disney movie version is much better for kids than Hans Christian Andersen's original version. I also personally like the Disney version better. The movie follows the same very basic story line but changes several of the gruesome details to make the story more appropriate for children. The ending is also changed because Disney movies all have a happy ending where people live happily ever after and in the story the Little Mermaid does not get to marry the prince and have a happy life. The story does not give much description in the way of what the mermaids looked like-hair color etc. so I think that it is interesting that Disney chose such bright, vibrate colors. They make the movie seem much happier than the story sounds.
The original story was written in 1836 and the movie was not produced until 1989. Due to the large time gap I think that several of the changes that were made in the movie were necessary in order to make the movie a Disney movie for children. In the movie they did leave out the sisters to a large degree, and the grandmother completely, which they could have incorporated more in order to make the plot more true to the original book, although I like the Disney version just fine!
I loved the Little Mermaid when I was growing up, but I have to admit that I only knew the Disney version of the story. It is interesting to hear and read about the real story by Hans Christian Andersen because it is so different. Since I used one of Disney's movies as well, I think that it is remarkable how they are able to take a weird or dark story and change it into something that is so bright and cheery. I agree though, I prefer the Disney version of The Little Mermaid also!