This unit will cover a variety of topics essential for first to sixth grade students who will be using the school library media center. Included in these topics will be basic procedures and policies for the library, the basics of finding books using call numbers, how to properly care for library materials, deciphering between fiction and nonfiction works, a preliminary introduction to genres (historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, poetry, realistic fiction, and folklore), an introduction to the Dewey Decimal System, and guidelines and instructions for using the online public access catalog systems.
This unit would be taught throughout the first couple months of school to establish procedures and encourage students to read a broad range of materials throughout the rest of the school year. Its primary purpose is to introduce the new Library Media Specialist and to introduce the library media center to younger students. The lessons will be a review for older students. Upon completion of the lessons, students will be familiar with a shared vocabulary of terms and library language.
Library Lil by Suzanne Williams.
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen.
Our Librarian Won’t Tell Us Anything by Toni Buzzeo.
Book! Book! Book! by Deborah Bruss.
Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Book? by Lauren Childs.
Library Mouse by Daniel Kirk.
Bats at the Library by Brian Lies.
-Students will use computers to research various Webquests that introduce them to library functions, tools, and databases.
-Students will be introduced to the OPAC (library catalog) and practice using it to find library materials.
-Students will be able to check out and listen to audiobooks.
-Introduce/review the Dewey Decimal System for classifying books into a system.
-Students will work in groups to design a brief storyboard sketch of familiar stories.
-Students will become more aware of various children’s book illustrators.
-Students will read through a variety of poems and interpret one of their favorites through an art medium.
-Students will draw pictures of their favorite book character on their shelf marker.
-Genre studies and book suggestions for historical fiction, science fiction, fantasy, realistic fiction, poetry & folklore.
-Do an overview of different kinds of award books, in particular Great Stone Face, Ladybug picture books, Cocheco awards and explain the voting process.
-Students will be encouraged to write reviews of books they have read on the library blog.
-Students will be encouraged to write letters to favorite authors.
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Library Media Center
Lesson 2: Discovering the Parts of a Book, Discovering the Resources in the Library Media Center, Making a Shelf marker
Lesson 3: Introducing Fiction/Nonfiction
Lesson 4: Genre Introduction (Folklore, Fantasy)
Lesson 5: Genre Introduction (Realistic Fiction, Historical Fiction)
Lesson 6: Genre Introduction (Poetry, Science Fiction)
Lesson 7: Dewey Decimal System
- What is the purpose of a library?
- Where are the fiction, nonfiction and picture books located in the library?
- What are the vocabulary terms associated with the different parts of a book?
- What are the library rules?
- How do I properly care for a book?
- How long can I take out a book?
- How many books can I borrow at a time?
- What kinds of books can I find in the library?
- What are some fiction genres?
- What are the elements of folklore, fantasy, realistic fiction, historical fiction, science fiction and poetry?
- How is the library organized?
- What are the categories of the Dewey Decimal system?
Click on this link to see the full unit including the seven lesson plans
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